NESTA Personal Fitness Trainer Certification

Fitness Trainer


If you’re looking for a career as a personal trainer, NESTA is the way to go! We’ve helped thousands of professionals learn how to change lives. Dive into more than 150 hours of online, video and workbook education that covers all aspects of personal training, fitness and nutrition. A better body – a higher paycheck – a thriving career! Get started today with our fast-track program that allows you to complete both courses (online exam and Corrective Exercise Specialist course) within one year.

About the Exam

The exam is an online course, and you can take it at your own pace. In addition to the classroom sessions, there’s also a test that covers everything you learned in class. The exam is open book so you can use any resources to prepare for it—including books or websites!

The CES program requires three quarters of study time (about 120 hours) before taking the final exam, but if you decide not to pursue this certification path then no harm done: You’ll still receive all of our training materials as well as access to free CEU courses on our website. This means that whether or not you decide on becoming Certified Personal Fitness Trainer (CFT), we’re happy for both options because both will help build upon each other’s strengths while also adding new insights into how we work together as healthcare professionals.”

The NESTA Personal Fitness Trainer program has helped thousands of professionals learn how to change lives.

The NESTA Personal Fitness Trainer program is the most affordable and accessible personal trainer certification available. It’s open book and allows you to use your materials while taking it, so that you can truly understand what you need to know in order to become a successful personal fitness trainer.

The NESTA Personal Fitness Trainer program includes all of the following:

  • Online Study Materials for all sections of the exam (eBook)
  • One-on-one Live Instructor Support during your coursework (live chat)
  • Free Lifetime Membership on their website so that you can access study guides, videos and more

Dive into more than 150 hours of online, video and workbook education that covers all aspects of personal training, fitness and nutrition.

The NESTA Personal Fitness Trainer program has helped thousands of professionals learn how to change lives.

The 150 hours of online, video and workbook education that covers all aspects of personal training, fitness and nutrition are designed to prepare you for the certification exam.

A better body – a higher paycheck – a thriving career!

  • You get paid to exercise.
  • You can help people reach their fitness goals, whether they are trying to lose weight or gain muscle.
  • You can help them reach their health goals, such as improving their cholesterol levels or lowering their blood pressure.
  • You can also help them reach weight loss goals by teaching them how to eat more nutritiously and less expensively (and faster).

Get a fitness job faster! Stand out in the fitness industry with the best personal trainer certification.

As a personal trainer certification, NESTA is the best choice for anyone looking to get into the fitness industry.

NESTA focuses on fitness and nutrition, which means that you can use your knowledge to help people achieve their weight loss goals faster.

It also focuses on corrective exercise, which is essential for correcting any imbalances in your body by focusing on specific muscles groups. This will help prevent injuries down the road as well as improve performance in sports like running or yoga!

Finally, it focuses on strength and conditioning which helps increase muscle mass so that you have more energy during workouts and exercises!

With our fast-track program, right after you earn your certification, you can take our optional course to become a Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES).

If you want to become a corrective exercise specialist, it is recommended that you take our optional course. The course will give you the knowledge and skills necessary to become a CES. A CES has the ability to identify and treat injuries or ailments in their clients by using proper form and technique during physical therapy sessions. They can also provide education about fitness programs, equipment, nutrition and other topics related to maintaining health through exercise programs.

Our exam is open book and allows you to use your materials while taking it. You can complete the online exam at your own pace by logging off and on as needed.

Our exam is open book and allows you to use your materials while taking it. You can complete the online exam at your own pace by logging off and on as needed.

You can take the exam from any computer, location, or device!

Help clients reach their goals with sound exercise practices as a NESTA certified Personal Trainer.

Help clients reach their goals with sound exercise practices as a NESTA certified Personal Trainer.

The importance of being able to help clients reach their goals is paramount in our industry, and it’s equally important that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide this service. As a NESTA certified Personal Trainer, you will be able to offer your clients sound exercise practices, nutrition advice and lifestyle recommendations that will help them reach their fitness goals. You’ll also receive training on how best to work with each individual’s unique needs so that everyone can get the most out of their workout sessions or meal planning sessions!


If you are interested in learning more about the NESTA Personal Fitness Trainer program and how it can help you achieve your goals, feel free to contact us by email at or call our toll-free number at (866) 815-6388. We look forward to hearing from you!